I have always been the person,that when heard that someone is travelling, or taking time off, or working inconsistent schedules, to ask, "how do you do it? How can I do it?"
I had the desire to break away from my 9-5 secure existence I created for myself, but was afraid to take that step forward.
Slowly but surely, without too much thinking I have finally come to live a life that I always thought was not something I would have. That life allows flexibility and spontaneity, without being careless.
In that vein I leave for a 5 week break from my life in NYC. I have asked for 2 months off, just sent it out into the universe and when I thought about how much I can actually be gone for, I said 5 weeks and there it is.
There are no goals, but to try and put into practice some of the things I've been working on, staying in the present, being accepting of everything that comes my way. Mom said not to plan things that I will be doing when I get back. I agree. I will let that idea go.
"Mozak na pasu" they'd say in Croatia.
I leave my final and my favorite Brooklyn piece on here... I leave Brooklyn behind for 5 weeks. It is time for Mia.